The hot Bollywood news update of Pulkit Smarat Ator Pulkit SAMRAT married to Shweta Rohira 2014; the couple was happily married to the actor's romantic film “Sanam Re ' approach to the release. Their marriage reportedly began to solve the problem and in the end, Pulkit and Shweta decided to separate .At the same time, Pulkit's alleged affair with his 'Sanam Re' co-star Yami Gautam started doing rounds. It was also speculated that the reason Yami , behind Pulkit and Shweta's split. On quite a few occasions .Yami and pulkit can give a clear report of this hits or information.
Pulkit SAMRAT exclusive kissing and Yami Gautam policy for more information see express news live streaming. But there is a twist in the tale followed when Shweta allegedly denied it, Pukit will be with Yami.
He cited several reports saying that Yami would be the last girl Pulkit may be involved. Soon after, Pulkit too far away to be Yami, because he felt that hinders its image.
And now, according to various reports, Pulkit revealed that he would love Yami is just a stunt to promote their film “Sanam Re». The young actor was also quoted as saying that he was glad that the rumors are helping the film's promotions.
One gets notification from solid sources that while shooting 'Sanam Re' six months prior in Ladakh, a specific scene requested Pulkit to kiss Yami, which he promptly consented to.
Be that as it may, hang tight; this didn't make a difference to alternate performer in the film. See more click 92 news hd live There was another scene where the executive needed Pulkit to kiss Urvashi Rautela (Yamaha Fascino Miss Diva-Miss Universe India 2015), which he immovably cannot. For more sports news Ptv Sports live cricket
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